Churches often segregate people based on age and stage of life. Instead of bemoaning the fact that we are not a "mega-church" where there is an array of activities, we want to think of ways we can put children and youth in contact with people from different generations.
Family Ministry at Cornerstone
Our 10:30am worship celebration is a gathering of God’s people – the Cornerstone family of God. We welcome children and youth from birth to adult to participate each week so that they come to understand they belong in the family of God. Through our shared gathering, it is our hope that children and youth come to understand their value, purpose, and responsibility in the life of the church.
We embrace your child(s) presence and understand that by nature they can become fidgety and fussy. A few wiggles and giggles are welcome! We are family here and want to support you in your obedience to bringing your child(ren) to the Lord so we have provided some resources that may help your family during our gathering.
- Kid's activity sheets, markers, and clipboards are available in the back of the sanctuary as you enter for worship.
- A family room with a changing table and rocking chairs is available for infants/toddlers who may become restless or in need of care.
cHURCH FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL - Sundays 9am in the heritage room
Knowing God's Word is essential to being a Christ-like disciple. This interactive study engages the church family of ALL ages, growing together as we learn Biblical truths that develop our relationship with God and help us to live out our faith in our homes, schools, work places and neighborhoods!
Our 2025 focus will be the major stories of the Bible. Come join us!
CHILDREN YOUTH ADULTS...Everyone is welcome!
5 Core Beliefs we hold about children and youth ministry as a church:
1. We Believe In Biblical Truth. We believe in the truth of the Bible and an Ever-Present, Ever-Powerful, Ever-Loving God. This belief drives our WHY. It is the foundation of what we do, what we teach, who we recruit, and how we serve.
2. We Believe In Relational Ministry. We believe relationships change lives, not programs. So we seek a relational ministry with our entire congregation. We design our events to build and deepen positive relationships, both student-to-student and student-to-leader. We strive to cover every child and youth with care and with the grace of God that leads to a life of discipleship.
3. We Believe In A Safe, Affirming Environment. Our standards foster a place where every child and youth is loved, included, and protected. We prioritize physical, emotional, social, and spiritual safety. Children and youth and volunteers are built up and not torn down.
4. We Believe In Congregational Involvement. We recognize every person in our church as a significant influence to our kids. Ministry to children and teens is part of the whole ministry of the church, not an entity unto itself. We seek opportunities to partner with parents and other church ministries. We believe our kids should be seen, heard, valued, and loved!
5. We Believe In Building Leaders Through Service. We recognize that kids need a place where they can make a difference and feel significant. We develop gifts, responsibility and leadership through service to others.